Interesting Knowledge

This morning Jakarta was hungry and the springs came down from the sky.While indoors, although the temperature is cold enough, the situation gets warm as they are in the middle of knowledge.Not just smart enough, but more than that.Today is part of the process of learning for the good of many heads, for the sake of a much more developed institution. 

On the way to the meeting location today,I was able to say that Ramadhan this time was so fast. There's not much practice yet to do but time has passed. Jakarta is too busy and dense by dead and living things. Sometimes both make Ramadhan and Jakarta more agile. 

This morning I want to write about the passion to learn, learn in the general definition. How we can learn from everyday things. Is it part of overthinkerI'm not sure what to learn to be a very fun process. 

For most people, this process is boring and useless , but for me and people like me, this process is just as fun as playing in the playground. There are many games to try, which can be explored.It's so awesome!

Today I and my team have the opportunity to study with prof. DR. Ningky Munir. I immediately glanced over through mbah google about our teacher today. I am so impressed, because for me this is a new but very interesting knowledge. I am reading a management- related dictionary, about the aspects of detail related to an institution as a whole. New knowledge for me, but I really need it for now and beyond. Science will help me to manage resources, not just humans but also many other supporters. 

In my experience of working, there is a lot of knowledge and soft skill that I have learned myself, I understand how trained my way to be able to apply the right management, though many cases or conditions have not been successful yet.  

Interesting knowledge, keep learning! 

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